- Leadership challenge
An attractive off-the-shelf combination of insight and development. In this online program, participants gain insight into their personal leadership style. 100% online, scalable, language independent and fully responsive. The program focuses on learning, recognising and applying four different leadership styles. Together with an experienced coach, the participant discusses how these insights can effectively be applied, with short-term and long-term goals.
Award-winning solution
Judges from various international institutes recognise the groundbreaking character that we strive to achieve with our products and services. What a ride. Since SkillFull’s launch, great things have happened and we are enjoying them immensely. One of the absolute highlights is winning the HR Innovation Award 2021. WOW!
When we succeed in realising our company philosophy and receiving this special recognition in return, we fall a little silent. In addition to Skill-Full, we also feel very Grate-Full.


The Leadership Challenge is a combination of questionnaires, game-based learning modules and online coaching. United in a modern and interactive learning environment.
The New Work redefined the everyday working life of employees. It makes communication within teams more difficult. How should managers train the necessary soft skills to take care of their own health as well as the health, satisfaction and motivation of their employees? Through intensive practice, direct feedback and valuable self-awareness, the Leadership Challenge increases a leader’s flexibility. Research shows that the more flexibly a leader can switch between leadership styles, the higher the satisfaction of employees. This is exactly what can be trained with the Leadership Challenge.
- Scientifically based approach
- Standardized and validated tests
- Use of serious games
- Difference intention & behaviour
- Hours of practice material: increase agility!
- Integrated learning solution
- Professional job coaching
Download our leaflet or schedule an initial call to get an online product demonstration! We look forward getting in touch with you.

Donald Wurm
Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Klinikum Saarbrücken gGmbH

Saman Waterval
Training & Coaching, Mediq
“Impressive! I was very surprised by the Leadership program. I love narrative games and this learning intervention is really the cream of the crop as far as I’m concerned. It’s very well put together and has given me many insights that fit in well with who I am. It brings your learning points to the surface and under the guidance of the SkillFull coach you can immediately put them into practice. Hybrid learning in a fun and innovative way: this really tastes like more!”

Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel
Chair of Public Management, Universität Hamburg
“I was excited to take on the leadership challenge and to learn about the many paradoxes waiting for leaders in their daily work. There is often, if not always, no “one best way” through such challenges. Adapting leadership styles to conflicting situational demands is a key ability of 21st century leaders, and this game is a playful way to develop these skills successfully. A particular strength of the game is how well it combines academic insights with practical requirements.”

Marie-Claire Detemple
Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Klinikum Saarbrücken gGmbH
„Als Ärztin war es erstmal ungewohnt, die Challenge in einer neutralen Firmenumgebung zu spielen. Gleichzeitig hat es genau das bewirkt, was es sollte: Leadership, unabhängig von der Umgebung, auf das Wesentliche herunterbrechen.
Es hat richtig Spaß gemacht und ich habe viel über mich gelernt.“
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